RUDOLF STEINER – Meditazione in Musica

BIGLIETTI ONLINE Splendore nelle Immaginazioni Viventi: Un Viaggio Notturno Romano di Poesia e Musica Se c’è una cosa che ho imparato nella mia vita di cronista della cultura è che esiste un’intersezione mistica tra arte e spiritualità, un luogo sacro dove la parola si unisce alla melodia per creare un linguaggio universale che riesce a […]

Poesia fonte e forza serena: Anita Napolitano, Marie Laure Colasson, Anna Marras, Gabriella Giuliani, Letizia Leone, Veronica Paredes, Marina Petrillo, Monica Martinelli ed Elisabetta Pamela Petrolati

Cari giovani romani, vi scrivo in un momento di particolare entusiasmo, per invitarvi ad un evento che unirà poesia, musica e visita archeologica. Un’esperienza indimenticabile che vi farà scoprire la bellezza della poesia e la sua importanza nella nostra società. La poesia è un’arte antica e preziosa, che ci accompagna fin dalla notte dei tempi. […]

Concerto di Bianca Maria Minervini (chitarra)

Comunicato Stampa n.3 Concerto di Bianca Maria Minervini (chitarra) – Il 26 Febbraio 2023 a Roma si terrà il Concerto del Tempietto, con la chitarra come protagonista grazie alla performance di Bianca Maria Minervini. Sarà possibile partecipare a una visita guidata prima del concerto. Il programma prevede brani di grandi compositori di musica per chitarra come Coste, Giuliani, Presti e Ponce. I biglietti per le prime file costano 36 €, quelli per le file centrali 25 € e quelli per le ultime file 14 €. Questo concerto è un’opportunità imperdibile per gli amanti della chitarra e della musica in generale.


Quartet Polyhymnia is formed in 2017th, from one idea that was born after realization of a project called “Teachers and students perform chamber music together”. After this project, begin their collaboration and this concert was also their concert debut.  Quartet Polyhymnia is made up from four musicians, professors at DMBUC” Ilija Nikolovsli-Luj” in Skopje, Nikolina Eftimova Todorovska-flute, Riana Ramiz-violin, Mare Videvska- violoncello and Verica Shotarovska- piano. They are active musicians and professors with rich biography, and many successes with their students, they have won lot of prizes with their students at state and international competitions, and also they are jury members of competitions in there country and abroad in flute, violin, violoncello, piano and chamber music categories. Quartet Polyhymnia performs at many concerts with their students, promoting the chamber music at young generations and young musicians. They make concerts in Skopje, Kumanovo, Prilep, Veles, Negotino, Ohrid, Tetovo. They perform at winter music camp in Krushevo in The home of culture. They perform solo concerts in KIC, Salon19,19 and Daut pashin amam in Skopje, also at festivals like “International festival Polyhymnia” 2017th, “Summer sounds” 2017th, “Summer accords in Skopje” 2017th, “Karposh Summer” 2017th, “New culture wave” in Skopje and Tetovo 2018th, Mini concert tour of Qaurtet Polyhymnia in Skopje, Veles, Negotino and Prilep 2019th, gala concert at International festival “Ohrid I love” and concerts at primary schools, project of City of Skopje for promoting culture education in 2019th. Quartet Polyhymnia performs with their colleagues at school concerts, they are trying to be original with their concert program and different and also to include their students. They all collaborate at choosing the program for the concerts, and they arrange the chosen pieces for their unique quartet ensemble. The program that they interpreter shows their virtuosity and musicality, they want to become closer to the public and to transmit their emotions in the concert hall and to hold the thrill of the public till the end of the last note of the concert.